Birth name: Zallascht Sadat
Date of Birth: January 29th 1985
Place of Birth: Kabul, Afghanistan
Nationality: Afghan
Occupation: Model
Height: 5 feet 9 in; 1.75 m
Measurements: 87-60-89 (EU)
Famous for: Sadat is best known for being crowned Miss Afghanistan 2008.
There so much we can do to help our beloved country (Afghanistan); that is why we should not rest until we do.
Education is one of the most important things in life because it gives you the opportunity for critical thinking, success, and many other great things that life can offer.
Interesting Facts:
Zallascht was crowned miss Afghanistan in Germany where the competition took place.
She has a bachelor degree in business administration and is currently finishing her master’s degree.
This beautiful Afghan woman is one of the founders of the non-profit organization whose main goal is to fight against AIDS/HIV in Afghanistan.
Sadat in one sentence – Zallascht is a beautiful Afghan woman with an energetic and very positive personality.
Go to Zallascht Sadat Gallery or to Beautiful Afghan Women
Always remember that true beauty comes from within.